IMPORTANT: Some vehicles have driver and/or passenger seat belts mounted to the factory seat base, instead of to the vehicle chassis. These Sparco seat bases are generally not compatible with the factory seat belts that attach to the factory seat base. However, you are always free to use a custom harness setup instead of the factory seat belts, but extra modification will usually be required. The bottom line is that you need to make sure to check the factory mounting locations of both of your front seat belts to determine your setup. Keep in mind it is possible that your driver seat belt might mount to the chassis while your passenger one does not!
Sparco seat bases are required to properly install Sparco and many other aftermarket seats. Sparco seat bases are constructed with 3/16" thick steel to provide a strong flex-free mount. In addition to the mounting holes provided for standard bolt-on installation, the Sparco seat base has a wide metal platform to allow custom mounting of side mounts direct to the base (drilling required). This direct installation is an option for race vehicles where the lowest seat position is desired. The base is powder coated in a black wrinkle finish.
Installation Notes: For a complete and safe install of a Sparco (or similar) seat, you will also need a Sparco seat hardware kit and optional slider set (if it does not already come with your seat).